Media and Civil liberties when the clouds of fear gather

To contribute to efforts towards charting a way forward by government and other stakeholders in the fight against acts of terror that have permeated Nigeria since 2009, and the general security challenge in the country, the fourth Wole Soyinka Centre Media Lecture Series, held on Friday 13 July in Lagos, focused on the critical issue of Media and Civil liberties when the clouds of fear gather.

The theme was chosen to address the dangers the media in particular and other members of the civil society in general face at the wake of the climate of terror unleashed by the Boko Haram group and other security threats to the country’s peace.

The guest speaker at the event, Mallam Mohammed Haruna, a media and political analyst and other discussants, made recommendations to government, media and the civil society for tackling the security challenge that has become a daunting reality in and for the nation.

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